
Little poll

  • Who knows what's Grin?
  • Who has some mainnet or floonet coins?
  • Who knows how to transfer them?

Grin transaction properties

  • There are no addresses by default
  • Interactive (not online)

Grin transaction explained

                Alice wants to send ツ10 to Bob
                         initial slate
Alice ---------------------------------------------------> Bob
                                                 Bob signs the
                                                 Alice's slate
                         response slate
Alice <--------------------------------------------------- Bob
Alice signs the
response slate
                          final slate
Alice ---------------------------------------------> Grin Node
              Bob should have ツ10 in the next block

How to transfer slates?

* Slate - simple JSON file
  • HTTP - baked into Grin official wallet
  • Keybase - baked into Grin official wallet
  • Telegram
  • Email
  • Deutsche Post

Official Grin wallet

                Alice wants to send ツ10 to Bob
Alice `grin wallet send -d slate.json -m file 10`
Alice ---------------------------------------------------> Bob
                       Bob `grin wallet receive -i slate.json`
                                # produces slate.json.response
Alice <--------------------------------------------------- Bob
Alice `grin wallet finalize -i slate.json.response`
              Bob should have ツ10 in the next block


  • User needs to know how to work in command line
  • Access to your desktop is required
    or you run your own secure server and use HTTP wallet transport

Can we do better?

something portable

something you carry with you all the time

something without a command line


📱 wallet!


Grin mobile wallet you've deserved

Named after a species of dragon - Ukrainian Ironbelly. One of them guarded some of the oldest and deepest vaults in Gringotts

* Currently, only iOS, but Android is planned


What makes Ironbelly different?

  • We are using official Grin code, so bugs fixed in Grin - fixed in Ironbelly
  • To keep your money safe - all you need is your phone
  • Android version would use 80%-90% of the code from exisiting iOS wallet
  • It's open-source
Join iOS beta testing now


My twitter & github: @i1skn
these slides are available on